Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Langley Taylor Walton

Langley Taylor Walton
July 27, 2012
8lbs. 8oz.
20.5 inches long

After a trip to the doctor on Monday, July 23rd, it was decided that LT would be born on Friday, July 27, 2012.  All the nerves and waiting were finally coming to an end!  I really didn't know how I would spend a week trying not to be nervous!  I got a lot of odds and ends done...Kyle said I made up stuff that 'had' to be done.  I also got to spend time with a lot of my friends at the pool.  It was great, especially since the water helped the contractions I was starting to have.  Thursday we went to Kel's cheer camp and then went and ate Mexican food in Wallis...this is when contractions started becoming a little more intense...though I really didn't realize it.  (My mom did.)  Friday morning mom and I decided a pedicure was in order before Langley came.  It was relaxing and I ended up with the bonus of a manicure too...since I was having a baby that day!  Contractions continued all morning (even though I really thought it was still just her moving around.) 

Finally, the time came for us to be at the hospital...12:00 noon.  We got up to Labor and Delivery and the nurses didn't waste a second.  Before I knew it, I was in a gown and strapped up to monitors...which confirmed what my mom said...lots of contractions.  It seems either way, July 27th was going to be Miss Langley's birthday!  It was cool to watch all the little lines and contractions...it was a fun way to pass the 3 hours we had to wait.  I had the absolute best nurse ever!  Kelly was there from the very beginning until I was out of recovery.  She was amazing and helped me through the scariest part (for me at least),getting the spinal block.  Before I knew it, I couldn't feel a thing but I was aware of what was happening.  Kyle came in and everything was getting started.  I remember them calling the beginning time...3:10, calling the birth time 3:29, and them finishing up on me while Kyle was with Langley.  Right after she was born, they pulled down the curtain and we got to see our beautiful daughter for the very first time.  Wow!  What an amazing feeling!  Pretty soon they had her wrapped up and we were holding our darling. 

Kyle went with Langley and did all the stuff they had to do...he even got to show off our girl to all of our family and friends in the waiting room.  By the time I got back into recovery right around 4:00, he was there waiting on me.  At that point things were a little fuzzy, but I know they brought Langley in pretty quickly and I got to feed her.  I know everyone was waiting and waiting and waiting for us to get out of recovery, but there just wasn't a room available.  For me though, it was nice just to have the 3 of us for a little while.  It also gave me time to start feeling a little better.

We finally got into the room around 7:30 I think.  At which point all the family got to come see our girl!  Again...I don't remember too much of the evening because of the meds, but I do remember all of the happiness we were surrounded by.

We were at the hospital from Friday until Monday.  We got to leave around noon-ish on Monday and immediately went to Methodist Imaging Center where Dad was having some tests run.  The ambulance that was transporting him was very generous in waiting for us so that he could meet his newest granddaughter...what a sweet moment for all of us!

When we were finally home for good, it was so nice!  Kathy (Kyle's mom) was here to help us for the week...I'm not sure what we would've done without her here! 

We are finally settling into a routine and loving every minute with our little Langley!  She is such a blessing to our family!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Gettiing There!

Well...we were hoping for a calm July but sadly it began with another tragedy for our family and having to lay to rest another young cousin.  Marvin was 17 and just beginning life...I know he is happy though being back with his mom, Aunt Anna.  Rest in Peace Marvin...we all love you.

Also, my dad's femur broke and he had to go back to Methodist.  Fortunately for dad, there was a different Orthopedic Doctor there...he has given us more hope than the other ortho doc.  And in the past week, he has had a rod put in his leg (last Saturday) and he was doing so well that on Monday they did surgery on his arm...the one where the tumor continued to grow.  They took out the tumor and put in steel plates and screws and packed the area where the tumor was with cement.  He's doing ok after the surgery...still pain but typical surgical pain and not the pain he was in before.  Thank goodness for this!

On to other things...we've been having weekly appointments since we are to that point, but she started them a little earlier due to the high fluid levels I've got.  Not sure what that means, she said baby is fine, but they are watching it.  If I don't have her before, they will induce at 38 weeks.  Well...that was before my growth scan last week.  Apparently Little Miss Langley is ready to bring us some much needed happiness.  The ultrasound tech checked her 3 times.  The first scan she measured her at 8lbs 14oz, second time 8lbs. 11oz, and the last time 8lbs 5oz!  YIKES...and this was only at 35 weeks!

At our next appointment, she will have the ultrasound first and I guess we will know more after that.  Hopefully that was her last big growth spurt and now she will just use the rest of the time to grow some hair! :)  Yep...she's still bald!  I told dad that we would get him & Langley matching bows! Haha!

So...I guess we just wait now...this is the first time I've been impatient through a weekend...it needs to hurry and be Tuesday!

Come on, Langley!  We are ready to meet you!

Monday, July 2, 2012

June 2012

Hmmm...June 2012...not one exactly for the record books.  It had some good points, but overall I NEVER want a repeat of that month.
Summer started off pretty calmly...got some stuff organized, did plenty of swimming in the first couple of weeks, and still get out in the water at least once a week.  I've gotten to see lots of friends and family and that is great!  Also...I'm super excited that I only have 6 more weeks to go!  2-3 more weeks and we are full term! :)

I do have to say...I've had to focus on Langley to try and find the happiness this month.  It has been kind of a nightmare...to say the least.  

We had a meeting with dad's doctors on June 11-12th.  Not good news...the tumor in his left arm is growing and while most of the bones are not getting weaker, they are not getting stronger either, so treatments were not really working.  We decided there is no other choice but to try another chemo...it was that or nothing...so we took the obvious choice!  Dad is home now and being ambulanced back and forth for chemo.  I do know it has been a very hard transistion, but our hopes are that mom and dad can get into a routine.  I know that it is good to be able to see more friends and family.

About a week later, tragedy struck our family.  My sweet cousin Brandy and her babies Jaydin (6) & Devian (21mnths) were reported missing.  We prayed so hard for them to come back, but they are now resting happily in heaven.  Domestic Violence is a horrible, horrible thing.  This is something that will never leave us and all of our hearts are broken.  But I do take comfort in knowing that they are safe and happy now.  And all 3 together...they were ALWAYS together and now can be together forever.  We do not understand why, and never will.  I hope and pray that no one EVER has to go through this same type of nightmare.
My cousin and her babies:

It has been a week since we've laid them to rest.  None of it is easy, but time does heal, and hopefully we will get a little better each day.  No, it is not fair and no, we do not understand it.  We never will.  But we must stand united as a family and help promote awareness against Domestic Violence.

A week later brought my shower.  What an overwhelming, exciting day.  Of course, we missed Brandy being there, but all knew she was.  Lots of family and friends gave us some beautiful & necessary items for Baby Langley!  We are so overwhelmed with the outpouring of love!  "Laura & Crew" did a fabulous job!  Once we got home, I did not know where to start!  Thank goodness Jen was there...she organized me and just about everything is put away.  Here are a couple of my favorite pics from the shower:

We took our maternity pictures yesterday, and I just can't wait to see them!  I know Leslie did a great job! (Impressions by Leslie)

Pregnancy is getting hot and Langley LOVES to keep her feet in my lungs...so breathing is getting difficult!  That's ok though...I'll take whatever she gives me!  I'm overall still feeling really well and I'm not swollen or anything...she's just big...weighing in at nearly 5 pounds at 32 weeks.  We will see what our 34 week appointment brings tomorrow!

So, a lot of ups and downs in June.  I am hoping for a calm July!  We start childbirth classes tonight...so more interesting stuff to learn!  Not long now and Langley will be here! :)

Here's to July!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Only Nine More Weeks!

Wow!  Only 9 more weeks until little Langley is here!  That is just not a lot of time...and I've gotta get my house baby organized and ready!  As August slowly creeps closer and closer, more and more things pop into my mind.  Lots of worries...and probably a lot I shouldn't be worried about.  Here are the things that have worried me:

1. I haven't felt her moving much lately.  This was confirmed today at my doctor appointment, but she's moving around plenty.  The placenta is just in a position where I don't feel it a lot!  Whew!

2.  Taking Langley to Methodist to meet dad.  We asked about this today and she said that as long as everything is ok and dad's counts are ok, we can go there right away.  Another whew!  One less thing to worry about.

3. Delivery & the possiblity of a C-Section.  I want nature to take its course and nothing be rushed, however I do know that there is always the possiblity of a C-Section.  I think the biggest worry here is the big epidural!  See...these are one of those things I shouldn't be worried about!

4. Our biggest worry is not knowing what to do with Langley once we get home!  How are we going to know what her cries mean???  I know...we will figure it out, but I don't want her to be lacking anything!

So, those are some of the things that have been on my mind lately. 

We had an appointment today and everything went well.  Of course at our ultrasound, she was totally sacked out!  No matter how much we tried, she wouldn't wake up!  She would wiggle around and stretch, but just wouldn't get very active!  So, we didn't get very good pics. (It was our 3D U/S).

Here are some of what we did get:

She's definitely got some chubby cheeks!  I just wish she would've woken up some!  We were also told that she's got a little bit of hair, but not a lot.  So, I'm picturing a chubby-cheeked, bald baby! lol!

I feel like I have so much to get done and not much time to do it!  I better get busy!

Friday, May 4, 2012

It's (Almost) Summer Time!

It's been a while since I've had time to sit down and write.  We've been so busy, but as always, life has a way of slowing us down.
I guess first an update on my dad.  He's had ten rounds of radiation and 2 rounds of chemo.  After some tests this week, we got positive news.  The tumors on both lungs are shrinking.  The bones are slowly regenerating, although not as quickly as the doctors were hoping.  They will go ahead and put the steel rods in his legs to help the bones.  This won't help with walking, but will make the bones less fragile.  So we were happy for all of the good news this week!

I'm very excited for summer...probably more so than usual! (Of course!)  But I will miss my second graders dearly!  They will be my last class, at least for a while, as I move into a new position next year as Academic Support Teacher at WoodCreek Elementary.  I'm very excited for this new position, but I know I will miss having my own class!  I know that it is the best move for me and I work with the best people around, so it will be an easy adjustment I think. 

Back to my sweet second graders, and their families...they gave me a baby shower at school!  It was so fun and of course, both Kyle and I were overwhelmed by their kindness!  I do believe the best part was seeing all of those sweet smiles and sharing that time with 20 of my favorite kiddos!  We still have the diaper wreath hanging in our room...and that is where it will stay until the last day of school!  Only 17.5 more days...wow this is going too fast!

Kyle's been seeing a doctor lately, as his arm kept going numb.  Of course their first concern was his heart, but everything checked out ok.  He's got some high blood pressure, which they are controlling with meds.  He is feeling better everyday.  Thank goodness!  Nothing like a little scare!

This week really brought on the reality of the end of school...whoa, it's May...where did that come from?  I spent some time each evening M-W starting to clean out my closets.  Maybe I did too much?  Maybe coincidence?  Not sure...but this week brought more unexpected happenings.  Yesterday as we were headed to lunch, I started getting horrible stabbing pains in my left side...it was excruciating to say the least.  Luckily we were close to the lunch room already and my kiddos are responsible enough to go on in.  And luckily, there was a wall to hold me up.  The room started spinning, and I couldn't see anything.  I was having a hard time standing even with the help of the wall.  As soon as it eased a little I made my way to the nurses office where they took wonderful care of me.  I called the doctor and they sent me to Labor and Delivery.  Scared me to death!  Long story short...it turns out I had a kidney stone trying to pass and Little Langley is fine.  The bonus to it all was that I got to see her...a lot this week!  But...hoping not to go through that again! 
All in all, we are doing well and even got to have a weekend away at a cabin in Fredricksburg.  It was peaceful...just what we both needed!  I'm looking forward to a fun and busy summer with friends and family...and finally in August the debut of Little Miss Langley!

Monday, April 2, 2012

On a Roller Coaster Ride...

Wow!  The past two weeks have been absolutely unimaginable...yet somehow we have survived.  Last Monday (3/19) my mom took my dad to the hospital for what they thought was arthritis pain.  A few x-rays later he was admitted to the hospital.  After this, all the days run together for me, but lots and lots of tests were run and my dad has cancer.  They have started radiation and chemotherapy.  This has been such a shock...he doesn't even look sick.  But, together we will all survive this nightmare.  We thought we had our share of agony when my mom went through it 16 years ago...but here we go again with my dad.
With all of this sadness, confusion, and shock, Kyle and I are still going through one of the happiest times of our life...with little Langley on the way!  I'm now 21 weeks and went last week for the anatomy scan.  She is happy and healthy in her little home.  She is quite the little wiggle worm in there and I have been feeling her a lot lately...best feeling in the world!  Our biggest wish is that Kyle could also feel her moving around...hopefully one day soon! 
We have a lot of her room ready.  Painted, furniture assembled, and our latest addition...the glider.  I wasn't sure it would fit...the room shrunk really fast, but it is a necessity!  We need to hang stuff on the walls still...but that will come in time.  I'm glad we've got the bulk of it done.  I know I won't feel like it when summer gets here!
So, it has been a roller coaster of ups and downs and it is really hard to understand all of the mixed emotions I'm having all at the same time.  But...now we have two prizes to keep our eyes on...dad coming home and Langley coming into the world!

20 weeks & 4 Days:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

This is REALLY Happening!

Well...I haven't updated in a while, but I promised myself I would over spring break...so here we go! 
First of all, I have to say...it is finally hitting me..."This is REALLY happening!"  I've had a hard time beliving this isn't all a dream, but everyday it is becoming more and more real to me! 

I could have put money on it that we were having a boy, me and everyone else, but my mind was changed on my birthday.  I woke up that specific day and told Kyle it was a girl.  She visited me in my dream, we were still in the hospital and I was holding her.  She had dark skin, dark eyes, and dark hair like me.  Her name in my dream was Janie.  It was so REAL that I knew right then and there it had to be a girl.  I can still see her...it still makes me smile! :) 

Well...I had to wait, of course, until our next appointment on February 28th.  Luckily, we had scheduled our gender scan for that day...I don't think I could've waited any longer!  We have been so lucky to have gotten an ultrasound at every appointment so far...including our next one on March 27th (anatomy scan.)  I fully expect it to slow down after 20 weeks, but hey, I'll take any little peek I can get!  Our last appointment went great!  All of the tests we did came back totally normal, which eased a lot of anxiety.  We also found out that we are having a sweet baby GIRL!  Her name is Langley Taylor Walton and I'm getting more and more anxious everyday to meet her!  Well, we had been planning on doing birthday celebrations in the family at some point in time, so we decided to have that celebration at our house and add a 'gender reveal' celebration to the mix!  It was so fun!  We had our family dress in either pink or blue based on their guesses of what the baby would be...check out the pics below to see how it all played out:
Needless to say, everyone voted blue, but in the end...pink was the winner!  We had a lot of fun with this!
It was especially fun watching person after person walk in wearing blue!  In the end everyone was excited to see the big reveal:

before...                                                                       after...

Since then, we've had a lot of fun picking out little girl things.  Langley already has mommy & daddy wrapped around her little finger!

Since spring break has started, I've done a lot of cleaning, organizing, and getting rid of.  It's been tiring but so worth it in the end!  My kitchen is totally decluttered and organized and Langley's room is emptied and all of the stuff is reorganized.  Tomorrow 'the crew' is coming to help out with painting since I'm trying to stay away from the fumes, the furniture will be delivered tomorrow evening, and bedding should be here Thursday! Yay!

Right now I am 18.5 weeks...here are a few pics of Langley growing...she's starting to 'bump' out!  I'll take another at 20 weeks. :)

15 weeks:                                                                    17 weeks:

So, I know this is a little scattered and a little random, but then again, that's how I've been these days!  It's been a whirlwind of fun and excitement and I wouldn't have it any other way!

So thankful for my family and my life!

Monday, January 30, 2012

It's The Little Things That Mean The Most

A phone call or text from a friend...a kiss good night...a picture...a hand-drawn picture from a student, made with love...an evening at home with cereal for dinner...watching football with the family...sitting around the table talking about old times, sitting in the middle of the hall having a pow-wow with my friends at work...it's the little things that mean the most.

It's the little things that mean the most. 
The past two weeks have been beyond stressful.  It began with the passing of Grandpa Taylor.  We all knew it was only a matter of time, but no one knew it would be that quick.  Still mourning this great loss, we are blessed to know that Grandpa is no longer in pain.  Funny, we didn't get the message until Tuesday morning, but I started having major morning sickness Monday night...all through the night...and all morning Tuesday.  Now, if you know anything about my pregnancy thus far, it's been pretty much a dream...not much morning sickness to speak of.  So, I just knew, as soon as we got that message, Grandpa Taylor was just letting me know that he was watching over Little T.  I felt very much at peace at that moment.  I still believe that is the reason for my sickness that night.
It's the little things that mean the most 

It's the little things that mean the most.
Coming back to work last week was busy and stressful for both Kyle and I.  Along with the normal business, we were both trying to catch up from being gone.  I guess if we weren't both such perfectionists, we wouldn't be stressed.  But, both of our jobs are important to us and we always aim to do them at 100%.  That is just who we are.  Yet in all of the hustle and bustle of the week, we somehow found time to relax and just enjoy and evening or two together talking over dinner.  What a stress relief!
It's the little things that mean the most.

It's the little things
We were so excited to both have this entire weekend at home!  Saturday morning, we went and ate breakfast at our normal place (Texas Traditions) and got groceries.  It was great!  Then Kyle asked if I wanted to go baby furniture shopping...ummm...YES!!  Now, I went into this knowing how particular I am, but also knowing I was planning on going garage sale shopping for baby furniture.  But, we both fell in love with a certain set and ended up buying it!  It definitely made this baby thing more real!

We got the crib, long dresser & hutch, not the 5 drawer stand up on the right.
It's the little things that mean the most.

It's the little things that mean the most.  Today was our NT scan and bloodwork, so of course I was a nervous wreck all day worrying.  I really thought 3:30 would never come.  But, it came and we got great results!  We have a healthy, wiggly Little Turkey coming August 10th!  I got a little nervous when I found out that an epidural could possibly be tricky due to my back surgery...but she said it should be ok.  I guess if not, I won't have any choice but to take the pain!  We're going to hope not! lol!
Here's a picture of our sweet Little Turkey from today.  S/He was flipping all over the place and then when she wanted him/her to move, it was naptime...can you say hard headed already?!?! lol!  After all was said and done, she did end up getting some pretty good shots.
It's the little things that mean the most.

So, if you are feeling stressed or blue, please just take minute, stop and look around you, and remember...it's the little things that mean the most.

Monday, January 16, 2012

11 Weeks

We went in for our 11 week appointment on Wednesday.  Of course, I was a nervouse wreck, but everything was great!  Little T was wiggling all around and even waved for the camera!  S/he must know that s/he is coming into a camera happy family and getting ready!
The heartbeat was 150bpm.  I have to say again, it is just an amazing sound...nothing else quite like it!

Little T was waving for the camera!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Our Journey

Kyle and I have been married for eight years...and I love him more now than ever!  Seven years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and was told that if I wanted to have kids, I needed to do it then.  And so, the endless rounds of medication began...clomid, femara...all without success.  About another year had passed and I got a job teaching in Katy, so we put aside all the meds while we house shopped and made the move from college life to the real world.  Wow!  What a difference!
A couple of months into my new teaching job, I had to have back surgery...which of course led to a longer postponement of having children.  Finally I was well enough again and I had found a wonderful new doctor.  She again started me on clomid then later femara...again, all without success.  So, we decided to continue with more aggressive treatments with an RE.  We went through several rounds of treatments with him, including injections and IUI's.  After about 5 failed IUI cycles, we decided it was time to stop.  So emotional, but I knew I couldn't go through the stress any longer.
Fast forward a couple of years...I've lost 100 plus pounds and ready to try it again, but just for a few months and we were moving on to adoption.
Now, with all we've been through in the past seven years, you can imagine my skepticism when my doctor (whom I still adore) recommends going back on clomid.  Ummm....it hasn't worked all of the other times, I thought, "Why start back at square one?  Let's get more aggressive." But I reluctantly agreed to it.  I already knew it wouldn't work, so I just figured I would entertain the doctor and gradually work my way through all of the failed cycles again.  Fast forward to the end of October, and of course, it didn't work.  So here we go again.  We decided this was it.  One last try and we were moving on to adoption, after all, look at all the beautiful children that need good homes.  So, with one last round of medication bringing us into November we just relaxed and kind of joked around with it.
Imagine our amazement and surprise when on Thanksgiving Day we were pregnant!  What a true joy and blessing.  We had mountains to be thankful for!  Everything at this point seemed so surreal.  I just couldn't believe this was happening after seven long and stressful years...could it be true?  So many tears of joy shed that day!  I couldn't wait for our first doctor appointment...which was so long away...December 14th.  Ok, if I thought Thanksgiving Day was the best day of my life, I had no idea what was in store for me at the doctor's office when I heard that amazing little heart beat!  Simply amazing! 
Tomorrow is my 11 week appointment.  It's been a rollercoaster the last few weeks and I ended up with shingles and a staph infection on my face...ick!  So, I am praying that we get a new picture tomorrow and a clean bill of health!

This is our story. It's been quite an adventure, but I love who I've been on this adventure with and wouldn't have it any other way.  My family and friends have been my rock throughout it all!